One of the twisted and harvested vitolas to be marketed in 1982 is the Cohiba Pyramid Extra, pure toned manually using 5 of the best leaves grown and produced in Cuba. Las Vegas of first and selected with many rigorous in the area of San Juan and Martinez and San Luis in Vuelta abajo give rein to the twisters to produce a cigar with such quality and finish.
In addition, Cohiba is the only brand of Habanos in which 3 types of leaves that are used to twist are given an extra fermentation in barrels conditioned for such need. That's why the taste of Cohiba and within the catalog, the Cohiba Pyramids Extra has a unique and exclusive flavor.
Its imposing format with a length of 160 mm (6 1/4) and a Cepo 54 (21.43 mm ) but with a medium flavor this cigars delights the most demanding and experienced smokers. The smoke is dense and abundant with mild but very consistent grey ash. With an hour and a half smoke, you will feel the flavors of wood, leather and wooden barrels for aging.
Availability date: 2022-06-29
Data sheet
Length : 160 mm
Ring Gauge : 54
Diameter : 21.43 mm
Strength : Medium - Full Body
Box of : 3