نوشته شده در تاریخ : 1401/05/01

Habanos S.A. presented the most exclusive cigar within the renowned Cohiba brand taking advantage of the XII Habanos Festival in early 2010, Behike 54, a premium cigar that delights the most demanding palates. The Cohiba Behike 54 isa limited production, n crooked with the best and most select tobacco leaves grown on the Caribbean island of Cuba. All cigars are completely twisted in the mythical and prestigious factory of Laguito. Its leaves are grown, processed and collected in the best vegas of San Juan and Martinez and as a novelty the area and vegas of San Luis. For its elaboration a kind of very little leaf is chosen and valued, the sheet of » Half time » . In this way the cigar is given a special character, strength and strong flavor. The Cohiba Behike 54 have a format highly recommended for one and a half hour smokes. It has a length of 144 mm (5 5/8 o) and a 54 (21.43 mm) trap and a strong strength this cigar delights the most demanding.

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