A format unknown until 2003, when the famous and recognized brand of cigars and cigars Habanos S.A. presented Montecristo Doble Edmundo.
In May 2013 Hbanos S.A. surprised us with a cigar present in many humidors and cigar cavas scattered around the world. Pure with easy smoking and a large caliber that gives off a dense smoke. Its strength in the first third is an average strength becoming strong in the second and third third. More or less, depending on each smoker, we can enjoy this cigar during an hour of smoking.
155 mm (6 1/8" ) long and with a Cepo 50 (19.84 mm ) makes this cigar a mixture of soft and sweet flavors with hints of aromas of cedar and wild flowers. It stands out for its chocolate flavor, first third caressed by the sweet reaching spicy in its last third. Noble cigar with great shot. The ash tends to a grayish color with tones pulling to strong. Its caramelized layer caressses an intense brown in aged barrels, very popular among the most select cigars of the islands of Cuba.
Length : 155 mm
Ring Gauge : 50
Diameter : 19.84 mm
Strength : Medium - Full Body
Box of : 25